reviveCOURAGE is a part of High Country Ministries (HCM), a 501c3 ministry headquartered in Peyton, Colorado. HCM has been in existence since 2001 and focuses on using the outdoors as a ministry platform.
So why does reviveCOURAGE seem to have a separate focus from HCM? HCM’s focus is primarily on parent/child relationships. Through the years we’ve seen that many men would love to “bless” their kids but have lacked being blessed themselves and it’s difficult to pass along something one never received.
For many years men on TV have been portrayed as idiots and, for the most part, we’ve played right into their hands. This has taken it’s toll on Christian men.
For God has not given us a spirit of fearfulness, but one of power, love, and sound judgment. 2 Timothy 1:17 HCSB
Where would the United States be if Christian men stepped up? What if we were truly disciples of Christ and not just people who knew about Jesus? Often times it’s the lack of courage that stands in the way. This is where reviveCOURAGE steps in.
Come spend time with us and you’ll be challenged. You’ll be encouraged. You’ll discover who you are in Christ.